Our Mission

Our Mission


Writing is an essential skill, regardless of your background or academic pursuits. Through writing, we acquire knowledge, process new thoughts, and learn to express ourselves to others.

Because of this belief, the UCCS Writing Center exists to promote excellence in writing and success in students' academic careers. We serve as a site of literacy instruction, providing support to student writers of all disciplines, backgrounds, and abilities. We intentionally support the University mission through our efforts to encourage student success, to recruit and retain excellent students, and to support institutional evaluation and assessment.

Our Mission

Because every writer is unique, the UCCS Writing Center favors one-to-one or small group conferences, either in person or online. In our approach, we promote learning and critical thinking by helping writers focus on issues of meaning and by involving them in reflection on their own work. By building collaborative peer relations with student writers, we help students gain confidence, articulate ideas, acquire strategies, and learn the skills to engage effectively in their writing processes.  We also aim to collaborate with faculty across the campus about writing, the teaching and assessing of writing, and the supporting of writing across the curriculum. We work with faculty to enhance students' understanding of writing as a way of knowing that is at once particular to individual discourse communities while also widely transferable across varied contexts and rhetorical situations.